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You are using an out of date browser. It may not display this or other comcraft1 0 undefined correctly. You should upgrade or use an alternative browser. Discussion in ' General Math ' started by ArmoSkater87Aug 11, Log in or Sign up. Physics Forums - The Fusion of Science and Community. Join Physics Forums Today! The friendliest, high quality science comcraft1 0 undefined math community on the planet! Everyone who loves science is here! Page 1 of 3. ArmoSkater87 said: But there is a problem, because in that case any number could work. Last edited: Aug 11, I think it is unfortunate that the standard way of teaching maths in elementary school emphasizes that "subtraction" is something completely different and independent from "addition", and that comcraft1 0 undefined is something completely distinct from "multiplication". I believe that a possible reason for "ordinary" persons failure to accept that "division by zero" comcraft1 0 undefined inherently "unacceptable" that is, as long as we demand the "usual" properties of add. It's not like division is less fundamental than the other three ways, is it? Just my thoughts, anyway Last edited: Aug 12, A more formal answer is the following:. We comcraft1 0 undefined to work with functions with various properties. One such class of functions could be:. For every choice of x and y, we want a function F comcraft1 0 undefined satisfy:. By the defining property, we have:. This equation has really only two basic classes of solutions:. Here is my proof that 0! However, this is also equal to. Dare I say qed? Most people don't know what undefined really means. Multiplication for numbers is DEFINED in a certain way. Division is defined the same way. However, the definition for division does not include the number zero. So, saying anything divided by zero is equivalent to saying: The dog sfdjhsdf the cat. Last edited by a moderator: May 1, For example, take the Taylor series of a function about some point a:. Zorodius said: There's a very good reason to make a special exception:.

Division by zero - Wikipedia
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